
Maui Real Estate Stats Septmember 2013

85 single family home have sold during the month of September with a median sales price of $470,000. During September of 2012, there were 77 sales with a median sales price of $425,000. This is a 10% increase in sales volume and an 11% increase in median when...

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Maui Real Estate August 2013 Sales Stats

79 home sales sold in August with a median price of $585,000. In August of 2012, 77 homes sold. The median for August 2012 was $509,000. That is approximately a 3% difference in sales volume and a 15% difference in median value when comparing this August to last....

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Maui Real Estate Sales Stats July 2013

Maui Real Estate Sales Stats July 2013

There were 91 homes sold in July with a median price of $475,000. Last July, there were 76 sales with a median price of $488,000. This is a 28% increase in activity and a 3% drop in median pricing. There were 106 condo sales with a median price of $375,000. In July of...

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May 2013 Maui Real Estate Stats

May 2013 Sales Compared with May 2012 Sales May 2012                               May 2013 Homes                      64                                             105 Condos                     113                                           140...

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Maui County Property Tax Rates 2013 – 2014

On Tuesday, May 28th, the Maui County Council is expected to raise property tax rates for all classifications but residential for the 2013-2014 fiscal year. The council has vacillaed quite a bit this year over tax rates. There were advocates for rates to stay the...

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March 2013 Real Estate Stats

78 single family homes sold in March at a median price of $509,500. By comparison, there were 82 homes sold in March of 2012 at a median price of $435,000. This is a 5% drop in sales activity and a 17% increase in median prices when comparing this March 2013 to March...

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February 2013 Maui Real Estate Stats

There were 64 home sales in February with a median sales price of $550,000. By comparison, there were 79 sales during February 2012 with a median sales price of $492,500. This means a 19% drop in activity compared to last year with a 12% increase in median prices....

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Andaz Residences

MAUI’S NEW PREMIER WAILEA OCEANFRONT DEVELOPMENT ANDAZ RESIDENCES Finally a new Maui oceanfront development.  Just what you have been waiting for.  Andaz Residences Development in Wailea, Maui.  The development consists of 12 exclusive oceanfront residences and will...

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December 2012 Maui Real Estate Stats

December 2012 Maui Real Estate Stats

Here are final numbers for 2012. 82 homes sold in December with a median sales price of $511,750. In comparison to December 2011 ,  79 homes sold at a median sales price of $411,000. This calculates to approximately a 4% increase in volume and a 25% increase in median...

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November 2012 Maui Real Estate Stats

83 homes sold November at a median price of $470,000. Last November, 76 homes sold at a median price of $422,500. This calculates to a 9% increase in volume and a 13% increase in median prices when comparing the two Novembers. 96 condos reported sold November at a...

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